Publishing Themes

Are you ready to publish your newly built theme to our themes list? To do that, your theme should be developed within a fork of our hyvor-blogs-themes repository. After everything is completed, send us a pull request to the main branch. If merged, your theme will be automatically added to our theme list, and other bloggers can install it easily.

All themes in our themes list are free. If you wish to create a paid theme, you have to sell it outside our platform, and users can upload the ZIP from the Console to install it.


All the following requirements should be met in order to publish a theme to our official themes list.

Blog search must be implemented at least with post searching. Optionally, you can add search for tags and authors.
All posts should have links to translated versions of them (if available). Ex: "This post is also available in..." or "Translations: ..."
If the blog has a logo (_blog.logo_url), the logo should be shown in the header linking the logo to the blog homepage.
Configuration definitions (config.def.yaml) are added. See Configuration -> Config Definitions page. Use the config tool to validate config.def.yaml.
Featured posts may have some unique UI in the index page (ex: a pinned/star icon)
All assets (JS, fonts, etc.) should be added in the assets folder. Do not load assets from external sources like Google Fonts.
Should support the blog's social media links (shows an icon or link to the social media profile if the link is available)
Should support branding.


As explained in the configurations page, the following configurations are required when publishing your theme.

THEME_NAME: my-theme

The following configurations are recommended for all published themes.

    # ... colors for the light theme
    # ... colors for the dark theme

# if only one font
  size: 16px
  line_height: 1
  family: 'Inter, sans-serif'

# if multiple fonts
    size: 16px
    family: 'Inter, sans-serif'
    size: 24px
    family: 'Nunito, sans-serif'

  loop: # features in the index page (list of posts)
    authors: true
    tags: true
    featured_image: true
  post: # features in the post page
    authors: true
    tags: true
    featured_image: true
    toc: true # table of contents
  feed: true # a link to RSS feed (if available)

RTL Support

All published themes should support RTL (right-to-left) languages. Follow these tips to make sure your theme supports RTL.

  • Add dir="{{ _lang.direction }}" to the <html> tag
  • Use direction-aware CSS properties when adding horizontal padding, margin, and left/right borders
Do not use
Use this
  • Make sure absolute/fixed positioned elements are positioned correctly in RTL mode
  • <pre><code> blocks should have direction: ltr CSS
  • Make sure to add an RTL language to your DEV blog and test RTL support

Content Styles

All published themes should nicely style all the blocks in the "Content Style Guide" post in your DEV blog. In addition to styling them, follow these guidelines to avoid common but subtle UX issues.

1. Heading Anchors

We automatically add anchors to headings that have an id attribute.

HTML without ID:

<h1>My Heading</h1>

HTML with ID:

<h1 id="heading-anchor">
    <a href="#heading-anchor" class="heading-anchor">
        My Heading

These heading anchor should be styled differently from other links. For example, you can add a # or an SVG image (via background-image) before the anchor text.

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
    a[href^="#"] {

        /* Remove usual link styles */
        color: inherit;
        text-decoration: none;
        position: relative;

        /* Add different styles */
        &:hover:before {
            content: "#";
            position: absolute;
            right: 100%;
            margin-right: 5px;
            color: var(--color-text-content-secondary);

2. Code Blocks

  • Code blocks should have tab-size: 4
  • Code blocks should have direction: ltr
  • Line numbers should be absolutely positioned
  • Add left padding when line numbers are enabled (check for .has-line-numbers).

And, line numbers should be absolutely positioned. Also, add left padding when line numbers are enabled (check for .has-line-numbers).

pre {
    position: relative;
    tab-size: 4;
    direction: ltr;
    .line-number {
        margin-right: 1rem;
        position: absolute;
        left: 1rem;
    &.has-line-numbers .line {
        padding-left: 2rem;

3. Tables

  • .table-container should have overflow-x: auto to make sure the table is scrollable on mobile devices
.table-container {
    overflow-x: auto;

4. Paragraphs

Margins must be handled carefully for paragraphs inside lists, tables, and blockquotes. The following works well in most cases.

li {
    p {
        margin-top: 0;
        &:last-child {
            margin-bottom: 0;


The first version of the theme should be 1.0.0. After that you can increment the version number according to the changes you make. For a patch (ex: bug fix), you can use 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc. For a minor change, you can use 1.1.0, 1.2.0, etc. Unlike other software, themes do not have significant changes breaking changes. Therefore, we do not think you will ever need a major version change.


Add a file to your theme folder and add the changes for each version. See to learn how to write a changelog.

Once everything is completed, send us a pull request to hyvor-blogs-themes repository. When the PR is merged, the themes list will automatically update with your new theme.