
Routes are used to configure how specific requests are handled. A route matches the request path and determines what output to send back to the user. For example, if the request path is /tag/my-tag, route determines that it should render tag.twig and send response back to the user.

Route Settings: Console → Settings → Routes

Default Routes

A new blog will have these 5 default routes.

Route Name
Post Filter
Matches a post
Matches a page
Main index page (lists all posts)
Tag index page (lists all posts of a specific tag)
tag.slug = {slug}
Author index page (lists all posts of a specific author)
author.slug = {slug}

Posts Filter is a FilterQ expression to filter posts. These filtered posts will be sent to the template as the _posts variable. It is only used in listing pages like index, tag, author. Matched params ({slug}) can be used in this expression.

In addition to those default routes, there are some special, non-customizable routes.

The main CSS file of the blog (auto-generated from SCSS files in theme styles)
To serve files in the theme assets
To serve uploaded media
To preview posts and pages
/sitemap.xml, /sitemap-pages.xml, /sitemap-posts-x.xml

You can change the match value of post and page routes to change post/page permalinks. By default, it looks like /{slug}. You may change it to a different structure which may have date, tag, and/or author name. Here are some examples.

  • /{year}/{month}/{day}/{slug}
  • /{tag}/{slug}
  • /{author}/{slug}

Note that {slug} is always required. The following placeholders are supported.

Basic placeholders:

Post slug (required always)
Slug of the first tag of the post
Slug of the author of the post

Please note that if you use {tag} (or {author}) in the post/page URL, all post should have at least one tag (or author). Otherwise, the post/page URL will show 404 error.

Time-based placeholders:

  • Represent the post's publish time
  • Only English lowercase is supported for month and day names
4-digit year
2-digit year
99 or 22
2-digit month number
01 or 12
month number without leading zero
1 to 12
short month name
jan to dec
long month name
january to december
2-digit day
01 to 31
day number without leading zero
1 to 31
ordinal day of the year
1 to 365
3-letter weekday
mon to sun
monday to sunday
weekday as a number
from1 to 7
hour of the day, in 24-format
00 to 23
minute of the hour
00 to 59
second of the minute
00 to 59
UNIX timestamp in seconds

Customizing Other Default Routes

Similar to post and page, routes, other default routes (index, tag, author, and search) routes are customizable to some extent. Here are some ideas:

  • /author/{slug}/creator/{slug}
  • /tag/{slug}/category/{slug}
  • //blog

Please note that you (or theme developers) can also add custom routes by adding route-{route}.twig files to template files. See here from more details.

Custom Routes

In addition to the default 6 routes, you can add your own routes. Some examples use cases are:

  • Creating custom landing pages
  • Creating new post collections
  • Creating custom RSS feeds, for example, for a podcast

Please note that you (or theme developers) can also add custom routes by adding route-{route}.twig files to template files. See here from more details.

Route Conflicts

Usually, route conflicts can happen when two or more routes has the same match value. In Hyvor Blogs, post and page routes can have the same match values. (You can see, the default values of those two routes are the same: /{slug}). However, other routes match cannot have duplicate match values.

Suffixes and Prefixes

These suffixes are supported:

  • /feed - For the atom feed (posts_filtershould be set)
  • /page/{page_number} - For pagination

Matches can be prefixed with a language code. See languages for setting up multiple languages on your blog.

Making a Website

We usually call a website "a blog" when it has posts and the home page lists all of them. That is the default behavior of Hyvor Blogs. Even out of its purpose, you can use Hyvor Blogs to create a general website. For example, you can create a landing page for the homepage, and have your blog in the /blog subdirectory.

Multiple Post Collections

By default, your blog has one post collection, and all posts will be listed the index page. What if you want to have to separate collections, for example, blog posts and podcast episodes in the blog? You can use routes and tags to achieve this.

  • We add a podcast tag to the all podcast posts.
  • We can customize the index (/) route and its template (index.twig) to show an overview of blog posts and podcast episodes. To do this, you will need to update index.twig and use our Data API to fetch posts separately.
  • We add two new routes with a new template:
    • /blog -> to list blog posts (using the filter tag.slug != podcast)
    • /podcast -> to list podcast episodes (using the filter tag.slug = podcast)