
The purpose of configurations is to make themes customizable to some extent without having to change the theme code. Configurations may be used to allow the blogger to turn on or off features, change colors and fonts, or even define API keys for external services.

If you are developing a theme for yourself or a single client, you may not want to use configurations. However, if you are planning to publish your theme, adding configurations is required.

All configurations are added to config.yaml with their default values. There are two types of configurations.

  • HB-aware configurations - HB is aware of these configurations, and will make decisions based on their values. You too can use their values in templates.
  • Theme configurations - HB is unaware of these configurations. You can use them in templates for dynamic content or styles.

All configurations are accessible in templates from the _config route variable.

HB-aware Configurations

HB-aware configurations should be written in ENGLISH_UPPER_SNAKE_CASE in config.yaml.

  • THEME_NAME - Name of the theme
  • THEME_VERSION - Semantic version of the theme
    • Required: Only if publishing
  • THEME_FONTS - Fonts to load in the blog. See fonts.
    • Required: Only if publishing
  • DEMO_URL - Can be used to set a custom demo URL when publishing
    • Required: No
    • Default Value: Auto-generated
  • POSTS_PER_PAGINATION - Number of posts loaded initially in the _posts route variable
    • Required: No
    • Default Value: 10

Theme Configurations

Theme configurations (colors, fonts, etc.) should be written in english_lower_snake_case.

config.yaml Example

While you can use multi-nested YAML configs, we recommend to use only up to one or two nested level.

THEME_FONTS: "mulish:400,700"

dark_theme: Yes
accent_color: 0000000
    api_version: 2

In this example, the first 3 lines are HB-aware configurations. Others are theme configurations. You can add as many theme configurations as you need.

Config Definitions

config.def.yaml "describes" your theme configurations. This helps the blogger to understand what each configuration does. It also helps to render the config.yaml file in Console → Theme as a UI instead of a file.

Test your config definitions at

This is an example config.def.yaml file that explains the configurations of the previous example.

    $name: Dark theme
    $description: Turn on dark theme for this blog
    $type: checkbox

    $name: Accent Color
    $description: Main color of the blog
    $type: color

    $name: Image Service API Details

        $name: API Key
        $description: ...
        $type: text
        $maxlength: 255

        $name: API Version
        $description: ...
        $type: number
        $min: 1
        $max: 2

We use the config.def.yaml file to render the config.yaml file in Console → Theme as a UI instead of a file. Also, adding conditions in the def file (Ex: min, max) makes sure that wrong configurations are not set by the blogger.

Configuration Definitions

These are the supported definitions for theme configurations:

  • $type - Type of the configuration. See Supported $types.
  • $name - Name of the configuration.
  • $description - Description of the configuration.
  • $minlength - Minimum number of characters in an input.
  • $maxlength - Maximum number of characters in an input.
  • $min - Minimum value for a number.
  • $max - Maximum value for a number.

Supported $types

These are the supported types for theme configurations:

No input. This is useful for configurations that are not editable by the blogger
Single-line text input. This is the default, if $type is not defined
Multi-line text input
Select a number
Checkbox (boolean value)
Select one of several options. See examples below
Select a color

Radio Example

You can set radio options in $options, which is a key: label pair list. key is the actual value that will be saved in the config.yaml file. label is what the user will see.

    $title: When to use caching
    $type: radio
        all: For All Posts and Pages
        posts: Only Posts
        pages: Only Pages

Using Configurations in Templates

After defining configurations, you can use them in your templates. You can access configurations via the _config route variable.

Example: Configurable CSS variables.


  accent: "#896c6b"

  size: 16
  family: "Nunito, sans-serif"

line_height: 24

  radius: 20
  shadow: "0 0 30px rgba(0,0,0,0.05)"

Then, use configs in your templates.

    :root {
        --color-accent: {{ _config.colors.accent }};
        --font-size: {{ _config.font.size }}px;
        --font-family: {{ }};
        --line-height: {{ _config.line_height }}px;
        --box-radius: {{ }}px;
        --box-shadow: {{ }};