Import from Sitemap

This method allows you to import blog posts from ANY PLATFORM assuming:

  • All your posts have a similar HTML structure, and data can be extracted from the HTML using meta tags and, optionally, CSS selectors.
  • Has a sitemap (XML or TXT) with all the URLs of your posts. If you don't have a sitemap, you can easily use an online tool to generate one. Or, if you have a list of URLs in a TXT file, you can use that as well.

How it works

  • Submit your sitemap (.xml or .txt)
  • Provide CSS selectors to help us extract data from your HTML pages
  • Test your CSS against a couple of your pages to make sure data is correctly parsed
  • Finally, import from the sitemap

Data that can be extracted

Our importer is capable of extracting the following data from your HTML pages:

Extraction Method
Post title
CSS selector or <title>
Post description
CSS selector or <meta name="description">
Post content
CSS selector. See content importing
Post published date
CSS selector or <meta property="article:published_time">
Post featured image
<meta property="og:image">
Post slug
from URL

It does not support importing the following data:

  • Tags - no tags will be added to posts
  • Authors - the owner of the blog will be added as the author of all posts

CSS Selectors

Each blog has a different structure. Therefore, we need to know how to extract data from your HTML pages. You can provide CSS selectors for each data type.

For example, in this blog:

CSS Selectors

You can set the following CSS selectors:

  • Post title: h1
  • Post content:
  • Post published date: time.publish-date

Note that only the post content selector is required. Other selectors are optional. If you don't provide a selector for a data type, we will try to extract it from the HTML page using meta tags as explained in the above table.


The importer will automatically detect most styles (bold, italic) and blocks (paragraphs, blockquotes) from generic HTML tags.

It currently does not support importing the following block types:

  • Link Bookmark
  • Custom HTML/Twig

It has limited support for the following block types:

  • Embed - We will try to import iframes as embeds (ex: Youtube embed). However, we cannot guarantee that it will work for all embeds.

Exclude content

You can exclude some parts of your content using CSS selectors. For example, if you have ads in your blog posts, you can exclude them by adding a CSS selector to Post Content Exclude:

.post-content > .ad

To exclude multiple elements, separate them using a comma:

.ad, .newsletter-signup

Importing images

If you are completely migrating to Hyvor Blogs, it is possible that images will no longer will be available in the original server. Therefore, we recommend you to import images to Hyvor Blogs. To do this, make sure to keep the Import Images on. Then, we will import featured images and all images in the post content into your blog media library. The image should be less than 50MB to be imported.

Test & Import!

Once you have provided all the required information, you can test your CSS selectors against a couple of your posts. If everything is fine, you can import all posts from the sitemap.

If you have any issues, feel free to contact us