
Hyvor Blogs comes with in-built multi-language support. This guide will help you to set up languages of your blog correctly. Language settings are located at Settings → Languages.

Primary Language

English (en) is the primary language for newly created blogs. If you are blogging in a different language, it is important to change the language in Language settings to tell users, browsers, and crawlers the language of your blog.

Each language in your blog has a code, name, and a direction.

  • Code - The language code should be a valid HTML lang attribute value. Some valid examples are
    • en
    • en-US
    • en-GB
    • fr
    • fr-FR
  • Name - The language name is the text that explains the language code. We recommend you to write it in the native alphabet. Some themes may use the name to show a message like "This post is translated into Español, 简体中文, and Nederlands".
  • Direction - Left-to-right or right-to-left. Setting this to RTL will change the UI according. All official themes are built with RTL support.

Setting up Multiple Languages

Everything in Hyvor Blogs is designed to support multiple languages. Most of the texts can be translated from the Console UI while some texts (like the texts in the theme) should be translated in YAML files.

Step 1: Add a Language

Go to Settings → Languages and click Add Language button to add a new language.

Add Language

When you add a new language, all posts will be translatable to that language. The non-primary languages will have index pages, for example, /fr for French. All routes of your blog will be available in the new language in the same format.

Step 2: Translate Posts

In the post editor, you will now see an option to switch between languages. When you switch to a new language for the first time in a post, a new draft "variant" will be created.

Translate post - create draft variant

Then, you can translate your post content, title, slug, and description to the new language. If you use the slug bonjour-monde for the French variant, the URL of the post will be /fr/bonjour-monde.

Step 3: Translate Data

All data in your blog can be translated. For example, the blog name, description, navigation anchors, etc. Here are the places you can translate data.

Where to translate
Blog name, description
Settings → General
Navigation anchors
Settings → Navigation
Post slug, description, title
Post editor
Author name, bio
Settings → Users
Tag name, description
Settings → Tags

Translatable settings will have a UI like this. First, create a variant, then translate the data.

Translate data

Step 4: Translate Theme

All official themes are built with multi-language support. You can translate the theme texts in YAML files.

  1. Go to the Theme → lang section in the Console. All language files are located in the lang folder. en.yaml is the default language file.
  2. Copy the contents of the en.yaml file.
  3. Create a new file with the language code of the language you want to translate to. For example, fr.yaml for French. Then, paste the copied contents to the new file.
  4. Finally, start translating the texts.
    • YAML files have key: value pairs.
    • Keep the keys as they are. Only translate the values.
    • * and {key} are placeholders. Do not translate them.
    • You may wrap the value in double quotes (") if you want to use special characters like :, *, etc.



comments: Comments
posts_num_multi: "* Posts"
author: "by {name}"


comments: Commentaires
posts_num_multi: "* Articles"
author: "par {name}"

Technical SEO

Here are some under the hood works that Hyvor Blogs do to make sure search engine robots understand your multi-language pages. You don't need to do anything for these.

HB adds the lang attribute to the <html> tag in all pages using the language code you set (this is why using the correct language codes are important).

<html lang="en">

In addition, HB will add hreflang alternate tags. For example, if you have three languages (en, fr, es), the en index page (/) will have these tags.

<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="fr" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="es" />

For posts, we will add these alternate tags only if the translated variants are published.