Export Data

You own your data, and we make sure you can access them any time you need. You can currently export blog data in JSON format. We are working on adding WordPress export format and media exports soon!

How to export

  • Go to Tools → Export in the Console
  • Click on Export Now button

It will take a couple of minutes depending on the size of your blog. You can track the progress in the History tab.

Exporting data

Export Format

The exported JSON file has the following structure:

    "blog": { a blog object },
    "languages": [
        language object,
    "posts": [
        post object,
        post object,
        post object,
    "users": [
        user object,
    "tags": [
        tag object,
    "media": [
        media object,
    "navigation": [
        navigation object
    "routes": [
        route object,
    "redirects": [
        redirect object,

All the objects are in the same format as the Console API.

Note: The variants of the Post Object will have an additional content_html property with content converted into HTML.