Console API

Console API allows you to do administrative tasks of a blog. This is the same API we use internally in the Console. You can use it to automate some tasks or even build a completely new mini-console by yourself.

Calling the API

  • API Basepath:{subdomain}
  • Create a Console API Key from the Console and send it as the X-API-KEY header.
  • Console API endpoints use the following HTTP methods.
    • GET - to get data, usually an array of resources
    • POST - to create a resource
    • PATCH - to partially update a resource
    • PUT - to completely update an resource
    • DELETE - to delete a resource
  • Similarly to our Data API, the Console API always return an object or an array of objects, in JSON format
  • Request params can be set as JSON (recommended) or as usual request params (in query or HTTP body)
  • In this documentation, objects, request params, and responses are written as Typescript interfaces in order to make type declarations concise.

Authenticating User

[Coming soon]

Currently, the Console API is always authenticated as the owner of the blog. We will add authentication as other users soon.


The Console API has many endpoints and is categorized by what "resource" you want to access or manage. Most categories have CRUD operations but some may have more endpoints for specific tasks. These objects are defined within the Category. Also, note that Console API objects are different from Data API objects.

Jump to each category:



  • GET /blog - Get blog data
  • PATCH /blog - Update blog data
  • POST /blog/variant - Create a blog variant
  • PATCH /blog/variant - Update a blog variant


Get blog data

GET /blog

type Request = {}
type Response = Blog

Update blog data

PATCH /blog

type Request = Partial<Blog> // except id and variants
type Response = Blog

Create a blog variant

POST /blog/variant

type Request = {
    language_id: number
type Response = BlogVariant

Update a blog variant

PATCH /blog/variant

type Request = {
    language_id: number,
    name?: string,
    description?: string
type Response = BlogVariant

Posts & Pages


  • GET /posts - Get posts
  • GET /pages - Get pages
  • POST /post - Create a post/page
  • GET /post/{id} - Get a post/page
  • PATCH /post/{id} - Update a post/page
  • DELETE /post/{id} - Delete a post/page
  • POST /post/{id}/variant - Create a post variant
  • PATCH /post/{id}/variant - Update a post variant
  • DELETE /post/{id}/variant - Delete a post variant
  • PATCH /post/{id}/tags - Update post tags
  • PATCH /post/{id}/authors - Update post authors


Get posts

Get posts with filtering. The filter parameters are similar to the ones in the Console.

GET /posts

type Request = {
    status?: 'featured' | 'published' | 'draft' | 'scheduled',
    author_id?: number,
    tag_id?: number,
    start_timestamp?: number, // unix timestamp
    end_timestamp?: number, // unix timestamp
    search?: string,
    limit?: number, // default 50, max 100
    offset?: number,
type Response = Post[]

Get pages

GET /pages

type Request = {}
type Response = Post[]

Create a post/page

Create an empty draft post. A post variant will be created from the primary language of the blog.

POST /post

type Request = {
    is_page?: boolean, // default to false
type Response = Post

Get a post/page

GET /post/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = Post

Update a post/page

PATCH /post/{id}

type Request = {
    is_featured?: boolean,
    featured_image_url?: string | null,
    canonical_url?: string | null,
    code_head?: string | null,
    code_foot?: string | null,
    published_at?: number | null, // unix timestamp
type Response = Post

Delete a post/page

DELETE /post/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = {}

Create a post variant

POST /post/{id}/variant

type Request = {
    language_id: number
type Response = PostVariant

Update a post variant

PATCH /post/{id}/variant

type Request = {
    language_id: number,
    slug?: string, // max 255 chars
    status?: 'draft' | 'published' | 'scheduled',
    content?: string | null,
    content_unsaved?: string | null,
    title?: string | null, // max 255 chars
    description?: string | null, // max 255 chars
type Response = PostVariant

content and content_unsaved should be in ProseMirror JSON format. See Get ProseMirror JSON endpoint to convert HTML to ProseMirror JSON.

Delete a post variant

DELETE /post/{id}/variant

type Request = {
    language_id: number
type Response = {}

Update post tags

PATCH /post/{id}/tags

type Request = {
    ids: number[] // tag IDs
type Response = {}

Update post authors

PATCH /post/{id}/authors

type Request = {
    ids: number[] // author (user) IDs
type Response = {}



  • GET /tags - Get tags
  • GET /tags/search - Search tags
  • POST /tag - Create a tag
  • PATCH /tag/{id} - Update a tag
  • DELETE /tag/{id} - Delete a tag
  • POST /tag/{id}/variant - Create a tag variant
  • PATCH /tag/{id}/variant - Update a tag variant
  • DELETE /tag/{id}/variant - Delete a tag variant


Get tags

GET /tags

type Request = {
    limit?: number, // default 50, max 100
    offset?: number,
type Response = Tag[]

Search tags

Searches for tags by name (primary language).

GET /tags/search

type Request = {
    search: string,
type Response = Tag[]

Create a tag

POST /tag

type Request = {
    name: string, // name for the primary language variant
    is_private: boolean // default false
type Response = Tag

Update a tag

PATCH /tag/{id}

type Request = {
	is_private?: boolean
    slug?: string,
    code_head?: string | null,
    code_foot?: string | null,
type Response = Tag

Delete a tag

DELETE /tag/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = {}

Create a tag variant

POST /tag/{id}/variant

type Request = {
    language_id: number,

Update a tag variant

PATCH /tag/{id}/variant

type Request = {
    language_id: number,
    name?: string,
    description?: string | null,

Delete a tag variant

DELETE /tag/{id}/variant

type Request = {
    language_id: number,



  • GET /users - Get users
  • GET /users/search - Search users
  • POST /user - Create a user
  • POST /user/guest - Create a guest user
  • PATCH /user/{id} - Update a user
  • DELETE /user/{id} - Delete a user
  • POST /user/{id}/variant - Create a user variant
  • PATCH /user/{id}/variant - Update a user variant
  • DELETE /user/{id}/variant - Delete a user variant
  • POST /user - Resend invitation email


Get users

GET /users

type Request = {
    offset?: number,
type Response = User[]

Search users

Searches for users by name.

GET /users/search

type Request = {
    search: string,
type Response = User[]

Create a user

POST /user

type Request = {
    username_or_email: string,
    role: 'owner' | 'admin' | 'editor' | 'writer' | 'contributor',
type Response = User

Create a guest user

POST /user/guest

type Request = {
    name: string,
type Response = User

Update a user

PATCH /user/{id}

type Request = {
    hyvor_user_id?: number,
    role?: 'owner' | 'admin' | 'editor' | 'writer' | 'contributor',
    status: 'active' | 'blocked',
    slug: string,
    email?: string,
    website_url?: string,
    picture_url?: string,
    social_facebook?: string,
    social_twitter?: string,
    social_linkedin?: string,
    social_youtube?: string,
    social_tiktok?: string,
    social_instagram?: string,
    social_github?: string
type Response = User

Delete a user

DELETE /user/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = {}

Create a user variant

POST /user/{id}/variant

type Request = {}
type Response = UserVariant

Update a user variant

PATCH /user/{id}/variant

type Request = {
    name?: string,
    bio?: string,
    location?: string,
type Response = UserVariant

Delete a user variant

DELETE /user/{id}/variant

type Request = {}
type Response = {}

Resend invitation email

POST /user/{id}/resend-invite

type Request = {}
type Response = {}



  • GET /media - Get media
  • POST /media - Create a media
  • POST /media/from-url - Create a media from URL
  • DELETE /media/{id} - Delete a navigation
  • GET /media/unsplash/search - Get media from unsplash
  • PATCH /media - Patch media


Get media

GET /media

type Request = {
    limit: number,
    offset: number,
    search?: string,
    extensions?: string[],
    type?: string
type Response = Media[]

Create a media

POST /media

type Request = {
    file: File,
    post_id: number
type Response = Media

Create a media from URL

POST /media/from-url

type Request = {
    url: string,
    post_id?: number
type Response = Media

Delete a media

DELETE /media/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = {}

Patch a media

PATCH /media/{id}

type Request = Partial<Media>
type Response = Media


  • GET /navigations - Get navigations
  • PATCH /navigations/sort - Update sort navigations
  • POST /navigation - Create a navigation
  • PUT /user/{id} - Update a navigation
  • DELETE /navigation/{id} - Delete a navigation
  • POST /navigation/{id}/variant - Create a navigation variant
  • PUT /navigation/{id}/variant - Update a navigation variant
  • DELETE /navigation/{id}/variant - Delete a navigation variant


Get navigations

GET /navigations

type Request = {}
type Response = Navigation[]

Update sort navigations

PATCH /navigations/sort

type Request = {
    ids?: number[],
type Response = {}

Create a navigation

POST /navigation

type Request = {
    url: string,
    name: string,
    type: 'header' | 'footer'
type Response = Navigation

Update a navigation

PUT /navigation/{id}

type Request = {
    url: string,
    name: string,
    type: 'header' | 'footer',
type Response = Navigation

Delete a navigation

DELETE /navigation/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = {}

Create a navigation variant

POST /navigation/{id}/variant

type Request = {
    language_id: number,
    name?: string,
type Response = NavigationVariant

Update a navigation variant

PUT /navigation/{id}/variant

type Request = {
    name: string,
type Response = NavigationVariant

Delete a navigation variant

DELETE /navigation/{id}/variant

type Request = {}
type Response = {}



  • GET /languages - Get languages
  • POST /language - Create a language
  • PATCH /language/{id} - Update a language
  • DELETE /language/{id} - Delete a language


Get languages

GET /languages

type Request = {}
type Response = Languages[]

Create a language

POST /language

type Request = {
    code: string, // max 12 chars
    name: string, // max 255 chars
    direction: 'ltr' | 'rtl',
type Response = Language

Update a language

PATCH /language/{id}

type Request = {
    code: string, // max 12 chars
    name: string, // max 255 chars
    direction: 'ltr' | 'rtl',
type Response = Language

Delete a language

DELETE /language/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = {}



  • GET /redirects - Get redirects
  • POST /redirect - Create a redirect
  • PUT /redirect/{id} - Update a redirect
  • DELETE /redirect/{id} - Delete a redirect


Get redirects

GET /redirects

type Request = {
    limit?: number,
    offset?: number,
type Response = Redirect[]

Create a redirect

POST /redirect

type Request = {
    path: string,
    to: string,
    type: 'temporary' | 'permanent'
type Response = Redirect

Update a redirect

PUT /redirect/{id}

type Request = {
    path?: string,
    to?: string,
    type?: 'temporary' | 'permanent'
type Response = Redirect

Delete a redirect

DELETE /redirect/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = {}



  • GET /webhooks - Get webhooks
  • POST /webhook - Create a webhook
  • PATCH /webhook/{id} - Update a webhook
  • DELETE /webhook/{id} - Delete a webhook


Get webhooks

GET /webhooks

type Request = {}
type Response = Webhook[]

Create a webhook

POST /webhook

type Request = {
    url: string,
    events: 'cache.single' | 'cache.templates' | 'cache.all'[],
type Response = Webhook

Update a webhook

PATCH /webhook/{id}

type Request = {
    url?: string,
    events?: 'cache.single' | 'cache.templates' | 'cache.all'[],
type Response = Webhook

Delete a webhook

DELETE /webhook/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = {}

Theme Files


  • GET /theme/files - Get theme files
  • POST /theme/file - Create a theme file
  • PATCH /theme/file/{id} - Update a theme file
  • DELETE /theme/file/{id} - Delete a theme file


Get theme files

GET /theme/files

type Request = {}
type Response = FileObject[]

Create a theme file

POST /theme/file

type Request = {
    folder: 'templates' | 'assets' | 'styles' | 'lang',
    name: string,
    content?: string,
    file: File
type Response = FileObject

Update a theme file

PATCH /theme/file/{id}

type Request = {
    name?: string,
    content?: string
type Response = FileObject

Delete a theme file

DELETE /theme/file/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = {}



  • GET /exports - Get exports
  • POST /export - Create an export


Get exports

GET /exports

type Request = {}
type Response = ExportObject[]

Create an export

POST /export

type Request = {}
type Response = ExportObject


  • POST /link-analysis/check-urls - Check post variant link
  • PATCH /link-analysis/ignore-link - Ignore a link
  • GET /link-analysis/stats - Get link statistics
  • GET /link-analysis/links - Get links
  • GET /link-analysis/checks - Get checks
  • POST /link-analysis/check - Create a check


Check post variant link

POST /link-analysis/check-urls

type Request = {
    post_variant_id: number,
    urls: string[]
    force?: boolean
type Response = LinkObject[]

PATCH /link-analysis/ignore-link

type Request = {
    post_variant_id: number,
    urls: string[],
    status: boolean
type Response = LinkObject

GET /link-analysis/stats

type Request = {}
type Response = {
    counts: number

GET /link-analysis/links

type Request = {
    type?: 'ok' | 'broken' | 'ignored' | 'redirected',
    limit?: number,
    offset?: number,
type Response = LinkObject[]

Get checks

GET /link-analysis/checks

type Request = {
    limit?: number,
    offset?: number,
type Response = CheckObject[]

Create a check

POST /link-analysis/check

type Request = {}
type Response = CheckObject



  • GET /routes - Get routes
  • POST /route - Create a route
  • PATCH /route/{id} - Update a route
  • DELETE /route/{id} - Delete a route


Get routes

GET /routes

type Request = {}
type Response = Route[]

Create a route

POST /route

type Request = {
    name: string,
    match: string,
    template: string,
    post_filter?: string,
    content_type?: string
type Response = Route

Update a route

PATCH /route/{id}

type Request = {
    name: string,
    match: string,
    template: string,
    post_filter?: string,
    content_type?: string
type Response = Route

Delete a route

DELETE /route/{id}

type Request = {}
type Response = {}



  • GET /misc/themes - Get all themes
  • GET /misc/prosemirror/json - Get prosemirror json
  • DELETE /blog/cache - Delete blog cache

Get all themes

GET /misc/themes

type Request = {}
type Response = Theme[]

Get prosemirror JSON from HTML

GET /misc/prosemirror/json

type Request = {
  html: string,
type Response = {
  json: string,

Delete blog cache

DELETE /blog/cache

type Request = {
    type: 'all' | 'template' | 'paths',
    paths?: string[],
type Response = {}


Blog Object

interface Blog {
    id: number,
    created_at: number,
    is_blocked: boolean,
    subdomain: string,
    type: 'default' | 'dev',
    hosting_at: 'subdomain' | 'domain' | 'self',
    hosting_domain: string | null,
    hosting_url: string | null,

    embeddable: boolean,
    embedding_domains: string | null,

    logo_url: string | null,
    cover_url: string | null,

    social_facebook: string | null,
    social_twitter: string | null,
    social_linkedin: string | null,
    social_youtube: string | null,
    social_tiktok: string | null,
    social_instagram: string | null,
    social_github: string | null,

    code_head: string | null,
    code_foot: string | null,

    seo_indexing: boolean,
    seo_robots_txt: string | null,
    seo_external_links_follow: 'follow' | 'nofollow',
    comments_code: string | null,
    newsletter_code: string | null,

    color_modes: 'light' | 'dark' | 'both',
    color_mode_default: 'light' | 'dark' | 'os',

    syntax_on: boolean,
    syntax_line_numbers: boolean,
    syntax_theme: string | null

    flashload: boolean,
    variants: BlogVariant[]

BlogVariant Object

interface BlogVariant {
    language_id: number,
    name: string | null,
    description: string | null,

Post Object

interface Post {
    id: number,
    preview_id: string,
    created_at: number,
    updated_at: number,
    published_at: number | null,

    is_featured: boolean,
    is_page: boolean,

    featured_image_url: string | null,
    canonical_url: string | null,
    code_head: string | null,
    code_foot: string | null,

    variants: PostVariant[],

    tags: Tag[],
    authors: User[]

PostVariant Object

interface PostVariant {
    language_id: number,

    slug: string | null,
    status: 'draft' | 'published' | 'scheduled',
    url: string,

    content: string | null,
    content_unsaved: string | null,
    title: string | null,
    description: string | null,

Tag Object

interface Tag {
    id: number,
    created_at: number,
    updated_at: number,
	is_private: boolean,
    slug: string,
    posts_count: number,
    code_head: string | null,
    code_foot: string | null,

    variants: TagVariant[]

TagVariant Object

interface TagVariant {
    language_id: number,
    url: string | null,
    name: string | null,
    description: string | null,

User Object

interface User {
    id: number,
    created_at: number,
    updated_at: number,

    hyvor_user_id: number | null,

    status: 'invited' | 'active' | 'blocked',
    role: 'owner' | 'admin' | 'editor' | 'writer' | 'contributor',
    slug: string,
    posts_count: number,
    email: string,

    picture_url: string | null,
    website_url: string | null,

    social_facebook: string | null,
    social_twitter: string | null,
    social_linkedin: string | null,
    social_youtube: string | null,
    social_tiktok: string | null,
    social_instagram: string | null,
    social_github: string | null,

    variants: UserVariant[]

UserVariant Object

interface UserVariant {
    language_id: number,
    url: string,
    name: string | null,
    bio: string | null,
    location: string | null,

Media Object

interface Media {
    id: number,
    uploaded_at: number,
    name: string,
    url: string,
    original_name: string,
    extension: string
interface Navigation {
    id: number;
    created_at: number;
    url: string;
    type: NavigationType,
    sort: number;
    variants: NavigationVariant[]
interface NavigationVariant {
    language_id: number,
    name: string | null

Language Object

interface Language {
    id: number,
    code: string,
    name: string,
    is_primary: boolean

Redirect Object

interface Redirect {
    id: number,
    created_at: number,
    path: string,
    to: string,
    type: 'temporary' | 'permanent'

Webhook Object

interface Webhook {
    id: number,
    url: string,
    events: string[],
    secret: string,

Route Object

interface Route {
    id: number,
    created_at: number,
    name: string,
    match: string,
    template: string,
    posts_filter: string | null,
    content_type: string | null,
    is_enabled: boolean

File Object

interface FileObject {
    id: number,
    name: string,
    content: string | null,
    folder: 'templates' | 'assets' | 'styles' | 'lang'

Export Object

interface Export {
    id: number,
    createdf_at: number,
    format: 'hyvor_blogs' | 'wordpress',
    status: 'pending' | 'completed' | 'failed',
    url: string | null,
    error?: string

Theme Object

interface Theme {
    id: number,
    type: 'original' | 'ported',
    name: string
interface LinkObject {
    id: number,
    url: string,
    full_url: string,
    status_code: number,
    status_type: 'ok' | 'broken' | 'redirect' | 'ignored',
    ignored: boolean,
    post_id: number,
    post_variant_id: number,
    post_variant_language_id: number,
    post_variant_title: string,

Check Object

interface CheckObject {
    id: number,
    created_at: number,
    status: 'pending' | 'completed' | 'failed',
    error: string | null,
    post_count: number,
    post_variants_count: number,
    page_count: number,
    page_variants_count: number,
    links_total_count: number,
    links_ok_count: number,
    links_broken_count: number,
    links_redirect_count: number,
    links_ignored_count: number,