Integration icon + Hyvor Blogs

Add Mailchimp to your blog

Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing platform that offers advanced email marketing and automation features for growing your newsletter list. Learn how to integrate Mailchimp with your Hyvor Blogs blog.


If you do not have completed any of the above, refer this documentation (by Mailchimp) to complete all of them.

Step 1: Get the Mailchimp Form Code

  1. Choose the Newsletter Signup Form you created (in the Form Editor) and click Continue.
  2. Copy the Code given.
  3. Copy the code

Step 2: Integration

  1. Go to Hyvor Blogs Console.
  2. Then go to, Settings → Comments & Newsletters → Newsletter Sign-up Form Code and paste the copied code.
  3. Save.
  4. Paste the code

Step 3: Verify

Go to your blog URL and check whether the newsletter sign up form is integrated correctly. It should look like this.


Warning: Please note that the location of the form may vary depending on the template employed by your blog. For instance, the form appears on the post pages in the Hello theme. To specify the desired placement for the subscription form, kindly refer to the section below.

Note: Editing the blog's theme to add the subscription form

If the signup form location used by your blog's template does not fit your need, you can edit the theme to customize the location.

  1. Go to the Theme → templates section.
  2. Choose the file where you want to display the form, for example,
    • index.twig: The form will be displayed on the home page.
    • _footer.twig: The form will be displayed in the footers of all pages.
  3. Copy the following code snippet in your chosen file MAILCHIMP_CODE_SNIPPET with the code snipped provided by Mailchimp when editing your form.
  4. <center>

    This way, you can customize where to put the subscription form. Note that you can put it in multiple places.